Thursday, September 22, 2011

UEA Road Trip Visit to Nebo Education Association on 9-14-11

The Nebo Education Association and UEA Road Trip team members hosted a meeting for all educators at Salem Hills High School. Those attending discussed various proposed bills, the Ogden City School District situation, and the importance of teachers, administrators, superintendents, and parents working together to improve education. Following the meeting, UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, Vice President Tom Nedreberg and Communications Director Mike Kelley met with Nebo Education Association Board members to discuss issues, including messaging and ways to increase membership.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

UEA Road Trip Visit to Provo Education Association on 9-13-11

The Provo Education Association hosted a luncheon at the Provo City Library for key public education

organizations. Those attending included representatives from the Provo Board of Education, the Provo Chamber of Commerce, the Parent Teacher Association and the Utah School Employees Association. UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh addressed the group.

“Promise me you will try to read every day,” was the request made by Gallagher-Fishbaugh when she read to K-3 students at Provo Peaks Elementary. She made the same plea to the entire student body at Provo’s Lakeview Elementary when she read there. Her reading of Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat was followed by a visit from the famous cat himself.

About 50 teachers attended a teacher meeting that evening at Provo High School prior to a Provo School District Board of Education meeting. Teachers enjoyed sandwiches while discussing a range of topics including the situation in Ogden City School District, legislation being discussed by the State Board of Education and the need for superintendents, administrators, school boards, teachers and others to work together for the

benefit of public education and our students.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alpine Education Association Members Volunteer to Teach in China

Four Alpine Education Association members volunteered to teach in China during their recent summer vacation. There were 85 applicants for the China Travel and Teaching Program, and the AEA teachers were among the only 10 lucky educators who were selected for this unique opportunity. These AEA members are: Diane Thayer, Foothill Elementary 4th grade teacher; Cheree Davis, Shelley Elementary Music teacher; Susan LeBaron, Shelley Elementary 2nd grade teacher; Anita Babb, Greenwood Elementary Reading Recovery teacher.

The China Travel and Teaching Program was first established by a former Minnesota teacher and citizen of China, Songtang Mao. He observed that teaching strategies in America and China were vastly different, and he wanted veteran teachers from both countries to experience the best of both teaching styles. Children attending this boarding school program are cared for entirely by their teachers, who may be in charge of up to 20 children.