Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Alpine School District Board of Education Honors Kids Cause Board Members

Two of the Kids Cause Board members, Beverly Smith and Verene Thorne, were honored at the Alpine School District Board meeting on Tuesday, April 17.  

Beverly Smith's Biographical Information:

Beverly says the following about her experiences and her life:  "I had the privilege of serving on the Kids Cause Board  for six or seven years until June, 2011.  It was a great  opportunity to  meet with other Board  members, and work  with  school coordinators of several elementary schools  in the north part of  Alpine School District.  Especially satisfying was knowing that children  were receiving help, and having their needs met in many different ways.  

I graduated from BYU  in 1959 and began teaching  that year.  My teaching experience spanned 32 years.
I enjoyed teaching  Kindergarten , First Grade and Preschool-------two years at the "old" Harrington and
Forbes, nine years at Lehi Elementary,  five years at Greenwood Elementary, two years at the International
School in Manila Philippines, two years at the  Preschool at Salt Lake Community College, and ten years
as the supervising teacher at two Head Start Centers

My family is the best ever, and ever so supportive.  My husband, Glen  M. Smith, is talented and creative.
He taught  at Lehi High School for many years. We have four children who are just as talented and creative.
They are Andrew, Daniel, Joel and Sarah.   We have ten wonderful grandchildren."

L to R:    Beverly Smith, Ann Hatch, Verene Thorne

Verene Thorne's Biographical Information:

Verene Thorne grew up in Fillmore, Utah.  After high school, she earned a teaching scholarship and graduated from Utah State University in Elementary Education. Verene taught kindergarten for three years, and the rest of the years she taught 1st grade.  Her first three years of teaching were at Arlington Elementary in Murray, the next three years at Forbes in American Fork, and the remainder at Valley View Elementary in Pleasant Grove.  She also taught Reading Recovery for seven years and loved it!

Since retiring, Verene has been devoting considerable time to volunteering.  She has served as a Captain in the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, a Pink Lady at American Fork Hospital, an officer in Alpine Retired School Employees' Association, a Red Cross caller, and was a library tutor. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, and, happily, is doing fine now.

Verene has four children who all live in the Pleasant Grove/Lindon area, and four grandchildren (ranging in age from 5 to 20). She dearly loves them! Family gatherings are always fun, and never boring!

Verene has been on the Kids Cause Board for about five or six years, and has enjoyed her time
serving.  She has appreciated the opportunity to learn so much, and work with such
wonderful people.  Anyone who has a desire to help children is tops in her book!