Friday, March 27, 2009

Bonneville Welcomes Back Former Director

December 1, 2008, former Bonneville UniServ Director Christine (Chris) Watkins returned to fill a vacancy in the office. Chris retired and returned to teaching for one year in the Carbon School District. She then became the elementary principal at Pinnacle Canyon Academy in Price. Chris believes that the two and half year hiatus gave her a better understanding of what teachers are facing today. As a principal she also gained an appreciation of the pressures that administrators have. “I loved going back as a special education teacher, but I really enjoyed leading teachers and working with all of the students as an administrator.”
Last March Chris decided to run for the Utah State Legislature for District 69. District 69 encompasses most of Carbon County, Green River in Emery County, part of the west side of Grand County, all of San Juan County and a small portion of Wayne County. Chris had to make it through the State Democratic Convention, she did, and then she had a Primary Race, she won that race. Chris continued to campaign very hard and on November 4, 2008, she was victorious. After a few weeks she realized that winning this office was truly a “life changing event” and she knew she could not be an effective educational leader being away from school. She resigned her position as principal and was fortunate to be able to come back to the Bonneville UniServ.
Chris is very happy to be back serving teachers and public education. One of her main assignments is membershipping and she is asking Association Reps. to give her a call or email ( and she will gladly come to a faculty meeting or come to any school to talk individually with any member or potential member. “I have been a member of UEA my whole professional career and believe in public education and love advocating for public school teachers.”