Friday, November 6, 2009

Who We Are

The Bonneville UniServ assists the members of four school districts. The districts are Alpine, Carbon, Provo, and Nebo. We cover large urban districts and a small rural district. Suzie Makin is the Executive Director,Ron Firmage and Chris Watkins are UniServ Directors. Associate staff are Glenda Anderson, Amber Valenzuela (dental) and Teera Heinscheid. Lorraine Peterson is our new part-time associate. We all have different areas of expertise and work together very well serving the educators who make up our UniServ. We do teacher advocacy, Kids Cause, Association Representative Meetings, political action, and any issues that affect a teachers working environment. The associations are affiliated with the Utah Education Association and National Education Association.
The UniServ office staff work with the president and boards of the four associations which are: Alpine Education Association, Mike Gowans, president, Carbon County Education Association, Jim Thompson, president, Nebo Education Association, Jim Griffins, president, and Provo Education Association, Annette O'Bryant, President. Bonneville UniServ has outstanding leadership for our teachers. All of the presidents are full time teachers. Interestingly enough all four are high school teachers. We invite anyone to visit our office if they have questions about membership or other issues.