Kids Cause helps serve public school students who are not assisted by any other community agencies. Today Kids Cause has 81 pilot schools in Utah to help provide clothing, school supplies, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dental services to students who have needs and are identified by their teachers. With the support of United Way, K-Marts in Utah County and Target in American Fork, Kids Cause has contributed to provide clothing and school supplies to students. Kids Cause has also partnered with optometrists and dentists. Because of wide public exposure, more and more money is allocated to Kids Cause from state and federal sources each year.
Kids Cause relies completely on volunteer help. Employees of Alpine, Nebo and Provo School Districts are invited to contribute each year to contribute to Kids Cause through United Way. Donations also come from community Every year Kids Cause awards volunteers from each district in recognition for their efforts and support. This year awards have been given to the following volunteers:
Nancy Christiansen- KC Coordinator at Aspen Elementary
Jill Atkinson- KC Coordinator at Mt. Mahogany Elementary
Karma Swain- KC Board Member
Nebo:Monica Hullinger- KC Coordinator Brockbank Elementary
Mar Jean Strong- KC Coordinator Cherry Creek Elementary
Rosanna Ungerman- Principal- Dixon Middle School
Merlin McEntire- Optometrist