Sunday, March 13, 2011

Darren Hodges, Alpine School District Teacher at Oak Canyon Junior High, Named Winner In "Outstanding Educational Program" By UEA & Utah Jazz

Darren Hodges, an Alpine School District teacher at Oak Canyon Junior High School, has been chosen to be a part of the fifth "Great Public Schools Celebration" with the Utah Education Association and the Utah Jazz. The Celebration program was designed as an opportunity for UEA members to showcase some of the great accomplishments happening in Utah public schools. The judges selected Darren as the winner in the "Outstanding Educational Program" category.

As part of the prize package, Darren and one guest are invited to the Utah Jazz game at the Energy Solutions Arena on Monday, March 14, 2011. Darren and one other teacher will be honored during the half time festivities that night. He will also receive a gift card to The Roof Restaurant for dinner for two, and the Utah Jazz Bear will also visit Darren's classroom.

Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, President of the Utah Education Association, made the following congratulatory comments to Darren: "You are to be complimented on the wonderful job you are doing as an educator in the state of Utah. We feel honored to recognize your accomplishments at this time."