Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Final Day of NEA Representative Assembly Showcases Educators Creating Opportunity

Collaboration is the key to success in public education, and the NEA Priority Schools Campaign has been at the forefront of bringing educators, administrators, and parents together to transform schools.

This hard work often goes unrecognized. But on the final day of the 2011 NEA Representative Assembly in Chicago, examples of these innovative approaches to education reform were highlighted before 8,000 NEA delegates.

Des Moines Education Association President Melissa Spencer discussed recent success at North High School, a NEA Priority School site. With help from a federal School Improvement Grant, and teachers’ voices in the discussion, Spencer said “we went from dead-last place in our state assessments to the number two position in just under a year."

The importance of collaboration was also echoed by national Teacher of the Year Michelle Shearer and NEA member, who recognized the difficulties that educators face every day, and the toll it takes on them personally. Though the attack on teachers and public schools have deflated morale, “We have to find ways to stand strong for our students,” she said. She asked the delegation: “How long will we continue to envy other countries and how they respect their teachers before we start to do it here?”