Friday, October 7, 2011

UEA Road Trip Visit To Carbon County Education Association On 9-29-11

On September 29, the Carbon County Education Association and a UEA Road Trip team visited two schools in Price during the lunch hour. Part of the team visited Mont Harmon Junior High, and the rest shared lunch with teachers at Carbon High School.  During the meeting at Carbon High, UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh covered issues of concern for teachers. Asked about charter school educators joining the UEA, she indicated that she would like to see more join. Other issues discussed were teacher merit pay, legislative issues and concerns with state Supt. Larry Shumway. “(Shumway) doesn’t seem to be the best advocate for teachers,” said one educator.

About 40 educators and their families, including Carbon School District Superintendent Steve Carlsen, attended a barbecue hosted by CCEA in the courtyard of Carbon High School. Carbon County Education Association President Caroline Barrington welcomed everyone, and then turned the time over to Kory and Sharon. They discussed the importance of attending caucus meetings, and shared insight into education-related issues.