Sunday, December 4, 2011

Provo Education Association - Provo High Students Collect 15,000 Cans of Food to Donate

Not only did Provo High students reach their goal of collecting and donating 10,000 items of food to donate, but they smashed it by collecting 15,232. Way to go, Provo High!
Students were promised that if they met their goal, they would be rewarded with an assembly where their teachers would perform various embarrassing stunts, such as the math teachers hula hooping, the coaches and Principal Jeff Schoonover dancing in tutus, teachers break dancing and shaving beards and many other student-pleasing antics. Everyone came through on their promises.
Silliness aside, Schoonover said this was a great opportunity for the students to participate in some service learning, to see a need in our area and then work hard to help fill that need.
While this post focuses on the efforts made at Provo High to collect food during this season, many schools throughout our district have made significant contributions to our local food banks as well. Everyone is invited to share their food-collecting experiences in the comments section below.
Thank you to all the students and staff in our district who have helped the season be a little brighter for many of our neighbors this year.