Saturday, February 12, 2011

Carbon High School Principal Greg Stanfield Earns Chamber Award!

Greg Stanfield, Principal at Carbon High School, was awarded the Community Service Award for Education by the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations, Mr. Stanfield! Your community is proud of all that you do for its students, teachers, and community members. Following is what was presented to Mr. Stanfield:

Mr. Stanfield, with the help of staff members, has improved the interior and exterior of the school with banners, stone tables in the commons area, and benches throughout the school. He strongly supports education as a whole, including classroom instruction and extracurricular activities. He is a great student advocate and friend.

Mr. Stanfield has a strong sense of community and encourages students to give back through toys, clothing, and food drives. Sub-for-Santa gifts and many decorated Christmas trees that are donated to United Way are provided by most of the clubs and groups at Carbon High.

This is the fourth year for Rachel's Challenge at Carbon High. Mr. Stanfield is the advisor for this group, called Friends of Rachel. Rachel Scott was the first victim from the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado in 1999. Carbon High was first introduced to Rachel’s Challenge in September, 2008. Students and staff are given five challenges each year to do acts of kindness and service, and try to create an atmosphere of thoughtfulness in the high school. Mr. Stanfield reported that there were no fights at the high school in 2009…what an accomplishment!!!

To encourage and reinforce positive behavior, teachers issue DINO CARDS to students when they do something helpful or are observed doing helpful acts. Mr. Stanfield will draw one name each week and that student is rewarded with coupons that are donated by businesses in the Price area. (Mr. Stanfield personally visits with the businesses in that area to discuss the school programs, and to request their support by donating coupons). The DINO CARD winner also is allowed a private parking spot for one week. Friends of Rachel and Staff members are also recognized for one month for outstanding performance and given a private parking spot for a month.

The students who are members of the Friends of Rachel group befriend and help new or struggling students adjust at Carbon High. Mr. Stanfield has made several presentations throughout the community to encourage involvement in Rachel's Challenge promoting kindness and creating a "Chain" reaction.

Some of what Greg Stanfield has done to improve Carbon High:

  1. Name badges that are now used district wide. All students, faculty and staff are required to use name badges.
  2. Increased security at Carbon to make kids safer.
  3. Improved looks of the school
  4. Very extra-curricular activity oriented
  5. Supports Carbon County Recreation Youth and Adult Programs with building usage and other participation.
  6. Sub for Santa
  7. Works well with students, faculty and staff.
  8. Great liaison between County and School District