“Because, it’s not for you—it’s for them.”
A message from Sue Fox, your NEA Insurance Program Liaison
Dear NEA Members,
No one really wants to think about life insurance, but it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see what can happen when there isn’t enough.
You may not know this, but a full 86% of NEA Members are underinsured and not aware of it. All too often, I hear about the financial hardship caused by inadequate coverage, and I honestly don’t want to see even one more member’s family go through this.
That’s why, during September, we are partnering with the Life Foundation to educate members about the importance of having adequate life insurance.
Please take full advantage of the resources available on our site this month:
Test your insurance IQ
Calculate how much life insurance you need
Register your beneficiary for NEA Complimentary Life Insurance
Learn about NEA life insurance plans
Find out what you need to adequately protect those you love, and we’ll do our best to help you get it.
I know how much your family means to you. Please e-mail me if you need help along the way.
Sue Fox
sfox@neamb.com Source: http://www.neamb.com/home/4454.htm