Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reinforcing a Culture of Belonging

Now more than ever, educators need a strong advocate. Public education needs a strong advocate. Utah needs to maintain its commitment to a great public school for every student. During these tough economic times people are looking for ways to trim their expenses and live more economically. We need to be prepared to speak out on the importance of a strong association. The NEA, UEA and local affiliates work hard for members in many ways:

1. Protects members' benefits-wages and medical insurance, working conditions and job protection
2. Enforces legal policies-school board policies, state and federal laws, other legally binding agreement, and in some cases professional agreements
3. Advocates for public education funding-both national and state revenue sources
4. Promotes rigid teaching standards to ensure quality educators in public schools
5. Protects against burdensome policies and other unrealistic requirements.

It's vital that the UEA members know the importance of maintaining a strong Utah Education Association and a voice of unity. At the beginning of this 2009-10 school year we ask that every Association Rep hold a membership meeting at your school.